
When To Stop Swaddling Your Newborn

Many parents use a swaddle in the early days of their baby’s life. However, once your baby starts to roll, it is time to stop using a swaddling on the baby. This typically happens around 2 months of age, but it can happen earlier. It is important to watch your baby for signs of rolling. If your baby shows signs of rolling, you should stop swaddling your baby immediately.

Is Swaddling Dangerous?

Swaddling is safe only when done correctly and before a baby can roll. Swaddling your baby once the baby is able to move or roll, on the other hand, is unsafe. This is because the baby could roll over and due to the swaddle not be able to roll themselves back. Generally, if a baby is able to roll from their back to their stomach they should be able to roll from their stomach to back. However, if their hands are trapped in the swaddle they will not be able to do this. In this situation, their face could get caught in the bedding material and they could suffocate. It is very important to stop swaddling once a baby can roll.

Why Do Parents Swaddle?

Swaddling helps to prevent the Moro reflex which is the startle reflex. In this reflex, the baby’s arms go up and away from the baby’s body. The baby usually awakens and is startled by their own reflex. The baby can have the Moro reflex several times during a sleep session and swaddling helps to prevent this reflex by keeping the baby’s arms close to their chest. The Moro reflex, or the startle reflex, may stick around until the baby is almost 6 months old. It varies from baby to baby. Because babies will begin to roll around 2 months old and the startle reflex may last until 6 months old, there is likely going to be a period of time when your baby will awaken from the startle reflex. It is important to help your baby learn how to self-soothe so that they can put themselves back to sleep. This will help the baby sleep better and help you sleep better.

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Tummy Time?

It is very important to give your child lots of tummy time. When doing tummy time, make sure the baby is being supervised. Tummy time is important because it helps to build the baby’s core, neck and back muscles. If the baby happens to turn themselves onto their stomach, having strong muscles will help them to flip over onto their back. Tummy time should be done every single day. You can slowly increase the amount of tummy time as your baby gets older. In the early days of their life, even 5 minutes a day of tummy time is enough. Ask your pediatrician what amount of tummy time is right for your child’s age.

What Are The Best Swaddles?

There are many different types of swaddles. Swaddles that keep your baby cool are important. It is dangerous for babies to overheat. A swaddle is simply a cloth that you wrap in a certain way to contain the startle reflex. Some swaddles are just small thin blankets. Some companies also make swaddles that are pre stitched so all you have to do is zip them up and velcro them to keep your baby from lifting their hands. Read more about our favorite types of swaddles here.

When To Stop Swaddling Your Newborn: Take Home Points

Swaddling must be stopped immediately once you see signs that your newborn can roll. If your baby is rolling, swaddling them is dangerous. This is because if they roll over onto their stomach while swaddled, they will not have the ability to roll themselves onto their back. This can cause them to suffocate and die. Rolling typically begins around month 2, but your child may begin to roll sooner than this. The rate of SIDS is highest between months 2 and 4 and this is thought to be because babies are beginning to roll and they get caught in the bedding. It is important that your baby sleeps in the same room as you (but not the same bed) during the first 6 to 12 months of life. You are more likely to hear them move or struggle if you are sleeping in the same room as them.

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