Que Son Colicos

Que Son Colicos

El cólico es una afección que hace que un bebé sano y bien alimentado llore excesiva e inconsolablemente, por lo general durante al menos tres horas al día, tres días a la semana, durante tres semanas o más. El cólico generalmente comienza en las primeras semanas de vida y puede continuar durante varios meses. La…

How Long To Breastfeed?

How Long To Breastfeed?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age, but many parents still want to know how long to breastfeed their children. Exclusive breastfeeding means that the baby receives only breast milk for nutrition and any medically necessary supplements, such as Vitamin D, for the first six months. Many parents will…

Getting Newborns To Sleep: 6 Things That Will Make Your Life Easier

Getting Newborns To Sleep: 6 Things That Will Make Your Life Easier

Newborns do not have long stretches of sleep. This means parents are usually not getting long stretches of sleep. Creating an environment that optimizes your newborn’s sleep is essential. This can mean the difference between getting a few hours of sleep or not getting any sleep at all. Here are the top recommendations from experts…