
Fibroadenoma On Breast

breast fibroadenoma is not cancer. It is a breast lump that is most commonly happens between the ages of 15 and 35 years old. In most cases, a breast fibroadenoma does not cause any pain, and it usually has a round shape. It can feel firm, smooth and even rubbery. When you touch a fibroadenoma, it moves easily within the tissue of the breast.

Fibroadenomas may be picked up by a patient when they notice the lump on incidentally or it may be picked up by a doctor during a breast exam. Breast fibroadenomas are also visible on mammograms and also on breast ultrasounds. 

If you feel a lump in your breast it is extremely important to seek the help of a physician. You will need to have test done to evaluate the lump. In patients who are younger than 30, a breast ultrasound is usually ordered. On ultrasound a breast fibroadenoma can be distinguished from a fluid filled cyst. A mammogram can also be done, but it may not be study of choice in women who are younger. This is because younger people tend to have denser breast tissue and this makes it harder to see the difference on mammography. 

Removal Of Fibroadenoma

Most fibroadenomas in the breast do not need any treatment. Some will go away on their own, and others may shrink. Some fibroadenomas may stay the same for many years. If you do want it treated, then you will have to undergo surgery. Surgery has it’s own risks and so you should evaluate the decision with your doctor carefully. All breast fibroadenomas will be watched carefully by a medical professional. This may mean yearly breast ultraounds or mammograms.

Fibroadenoma VS Cancer

A breast fibroadenoma is not cancer. However, patients who have a history of breast fibroadenomas are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. The risk is increased if you have a complex fibroadenoma, have a family history of breast cancer, or if you have benign proliferative disease in the tissue that is next to the fibroadenoma. 

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Fibroadenoma On Breast: Take Home Points

While a breast fibroadenoma is benign, any lump in the breast must be evaluated thoroughly by a physician and this should include an imaging study of the breast. This may be a mammogram or a breast ultrasound. While a breast fibroadenoma itself is not cancer, there is an increased risk of breast cancer in people who have breast fibroadenomas. It is important to see your doctor regularly to monitor the health of your breast tissue.


Courtillot C, Plu-Bureau G, Binart N, Balleyguier C, Sigal-Zafrani B, Goffin V, Kuttenn F, Kelly PA, Touraine P. Benign breast diseases. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2005 Oct;10(4):325-35. doi: 10.1007/s10911-006-9006-4. PMID: 16900392.

Dupont WD, Page DL, Parl FF, Vnencak-Jones CL, Plummer WD Jr, Rados MS, Schuyler PA. Long-term risk of breast cancer in women with fibroadenoma. N Engl J Med. 1994 Jul 7;331(1):10-5. doi: 10.1056/NEJM199407073310103. PMID: 8202095.

Guray M, Sahin AA. Benign breast diseases: classification, diagnosis, and management. Oncologist. 2006 May;11(5):435-49. doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.11-5-435. PMID: 16720843.

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