
Breast Milk Color – Can Breast Milk Be Different Colors?

Breast milk color is often thought to be white. So, when you notice a different colored substance coming out of your breast, it’s understandable to be concerned. Breast Milk Color: Different Colors Are Normal Yes, breast milk can be different colors! It’s quite normal for breast milk to be yellowish and even change color over…


Fibroadenoma On Breast

A breast fibroadenoma is not cancer. It is a breast lump that is most commonly happens between the ages of 15 and 35 years old. In most cases, a breast fibroadenoma does not cause any pain, and it usually has a round shape. It can feel firm, smooth and even rubbery. When you touch a fibroadenoma, it…


Does A Mammogram Hurt?

A mammogram for breast cancer screening may hurt in some cases. It is not the same experience for every person. There are different factors that determine whether or not a screening mammogram will be painful for you. Remember, that mammograms only take about 10 to 15 seconds for each breast. So, even if you do…


What You Should Know About Tuberous Breasts

Tuberous breasts, also known as tubular breasts or breast hypoplasia, are a condition that is caused by breast tissue that does not proliferate properly during the puberty stage. This is not common, but it also cannot be considered rare as women don’t usually seek treatment for this. While this condition doesn’t pose direct health threats, some women…


Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer symptoms can be different for different people. Some patients who have breast cancer may have no symptoms at all. One study reports that around 25% of breast cancers are found by self-examination (1). Some signs and symptoms of breast cancer include:   The normal shape and size of a breast is unique to…