
Round Ligament Pain In Pregnancy

Round ligament pain in pregnancy is common because the round ligament connects the front part of the uterus to your groin. There is one round ligament on each side of your uterus. While early pregnancy round ligament pain can happen, round ligament pain in third trimester is common because the uterus has greatly increased in size. 

Round Ligament Pain Location

Round ligament pain, sometimes called “lightening crotch”,  is a sharp, sometimes jabbing feeling in the lower belly or groin area on one or both sides. The pain usually lasts a few seconds, but can be longer. Lightning crotch typically affects the right side, but it can happen on both sides. When the round ligaments stretch, they are more susceptible to sudden movements which cause the round ligament to tighten. When the ligament tightens it pulls on the fibers of the nerve which results in pain. Exercise and sudden movements like sneezing, coughing, or even standing up too quickly can cause round ligament pain.

Stretching For Round Ligament Pain

Stretching for round ligament pain can be very helpful. One stretch is the cat-cow stretch done in many forms of yoga. Start with your hands and knees on the floor with your shoulders directly over your wrists, and your hips directly over your knees. While breathing in, drop your belly so that your back arches and your face looks slightly up. This is called the cow position. While breathing out, round your upper back, and allow your head to drop and face your belly. This is called the cat position. You should do this stretch at a slow pace for at least one minute, take a break and then repeat it. 

Modifying Movement For Round Ligament Pain Relief

Additionally, you should consider modifying your natural movements so that you don’t make abrupt positional changes that could trigger the pain. When going from sitting down to standing up or vice versa, do it slower than you usually would.  In general, you will want to avoid sudden movements that could lead to stretching of the ligament and subsequent discomfort. Avoid positions that aggravate the pain and protect yourself from sudden movements by flexing your hips holding your lower belly. This can be especially helpful if you are laughing, coughing, or feel a powerful sneeze coming on.

Round Ligament Pain Relief: Additional Methods

Related: Round Ligament Pain Relief Stretches & Tips

Medications For Round Ligament Pain Relief

If conservative methods are not working, you may consider using pain relievers that are safe in pregnancy for round ligament pain. Typically, acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be used for pain in pregnancy, but always check with your Ob-gyn first. Additionally, remember that round ligament pain can be experienced for several months so exercising and behavior modification may serve you better than constant medication use. 

Applying Heat To Assist With Round Ligament Pain

It may also be helpful to use a heating pad in the areas of your discomfort as well as consider taking a warm bath. Remember that the water should not be too hot because sitting in a hot tub, or anything too hot, is advised against during pregnancy. You may need to combine some of the above methods to achieve long term round ligament pain relief. Be certain to discuss your plans with your doctor as well.

Healthy Pregnancy Recommendations

In addition to dealing with any ailments that you have during pregnancy, it is also important to follow your doctors instructions to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Before doing any stretching for your round ligament, be sure to check with your doctor.

Along with this, it is important to regularly attend your scheduled doctors visits, as well as take your prenatal vitamins. If you can’t manage to swallow large pills, then you can also opt to take prenatal gummies which are also very popular.

Round Ligament Uterus Pain

It is normal to experience round ligament pain during pregnancy. Because the round ligament connects the uterus and the groin, it is common to experience pain as your uterus grows with each trimester of your pregnancy. Round ligament pain usually happens only while someone is pregnant. Uncommonly, round ligament pain can happen in persons who are not pregnant, which could be a sign of endometriosis or another health concern.

If you are experiencing any pain or additional symptoms that are concerning to your health, be sure to contact your doctor. For round ligament pain in pregnancy, try to avoid sudden movements that can aggravate round ligament pain. Stretching for round ligament pain can also be very helpful.

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