
What is Libido? A Quick Review

What is Libido?

The term “Libido” simply means the desire for sex. In women and men, libido is linked to androgen hormones. As men have about 40 times as much androgen as women, they often have a more intense sexual drive.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), sexual health is a state of physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being in sexuality. That’s why libido is now considered a critical indicator of the quality of life and general health. 

Undoubtedly, sexual health varies from person to person and may even fluctuate in the same person too. Everything from your lifestyle, personal preferences to health history, hormone levels, and medications can impact your libido. Familial responsibilities, job stress, and friend dynamics can also affect libido.

While natural fluctuations of libido are normal in everyday life, abnormal libido levels can be a concern.

Causes of low libido

There are both physical and psychological causes of low libido. Physical causes include low testosterone, too much or too little workout, prescription medicines, and excessive substance abuse.

Psychological issues include relationship or social difficulties, depression, and stress. Other causes of low libido include aging, chronic illnesses, and dyspareunia.

Nearly 4 in 10 men over age 45 experience low libido, while about one-third of women ages 18-59 suffer from the lost sex drive.

Clearly, there is no single reason behind the lost sexual desire. It is best to discuss the issue with your doctor for the best advice.

High Libido?

If sex is center in your mind every minute, then you probably have a high libido. Though having such a high libido may not be a bad thing, it becomes an issue if it causes problems with your sex life and life beyond sex.

High libido can be termed as hypersexuality, sexual addiction, or compulsive sexual behavior. And, there could be some physical and even mental conditions behind hypersexuality.

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Many people with anxiety can consider sex as a form of self-medication. Deeply entrenched feelings, like low confidence and unresolved embarrassment, can increase sex drive.

Moreover, certain drugs may also cause sky-high libido. Drugs like crystal meth, cocaine, caffeine, and ecstasy can jolt your brain like over-the-counter stimulants. Wellbutrin also causes increased libido as its side effect.

Treatment of Libido

When it comes to low libido, testosterone replacement therapy is considered to be effective. In addition, depending on the actual cause, the following treatments could help:

●       Improve your diet

●       Healthier lifestyle choices

●       Regular exercise

●       Proper sleep

●       Reduce stress

●       Quit smoking, alcohol, and substance abuse

●       Change to a new medication

●       Counseling

If you experience high libido, you can try out things like interrupting your sexual urges, use your energy to other areas, find satisfying sex, or talk to someone about this.

Your physician may recommend mental therapies in case of a psychological cause. These sessions and therapies can sort out the issues and let you enjoy a happy and satisfactory sexual life.

The Bottom Line

Understand the behavior of your body and discuss your feelings with your doctor transparently. That’s the only best way to know the root cause of the problem – physical, emotional, social, or if it’s something else.

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